本日、和道流空手道・柔術拳法の総本部道場にて、5月14日に発売される『月刊 秘伝 6月号』の撮影が行われました。 5月中旬に発売される『和道流の平安二段DVD』に関する記事が掲載されます。 (月刊秘伝WEB SHOP) https://www.hiden-shop.jp/SHOP/634547/list.html 武道空手の追求 『和道流の平安二段』DVD 2024年5月中旬発売 順突き、下段払い、歩み足、回転動作 等、必修の基礎を集約した重要形 ”和道流初代 大塚博紀 宗家は初段と順番を入れ替え、二段から稽古を始めました”(三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範) 身体を効率的に使い、細かく・速い技術を信条とする和道流では、このように平安二段を全ての動きの基礎としている。 そこで本DVDは和道流としての平安二段を 三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範自らが丁寧に解説していく。 全挙動を解剖学と圧縮・伸長、同時逆方向(回転)が生み出す練り といった身体操作を中心に丁寧に解説していきます。 Today, a photo shoot was held at the Wado-ryu Karate-do Jujutsu kempo headquarters dojo for the June issue of Monthly HIDEN which will be released on May 14 th. An article about the “Wado-ryu Pinan Nidan DVD” that will be released in mid-May will be published. (WEB HIDEN)(You can choose the translation language on this site) https://webhiden.jp/# Pursuit of Budo karate”Wado-Ryu’s Pinan Nidan” DVD Released in mid-May 2024. Step Punch, Low Block, Stepping Foot, Rotational Movement, etc Important KATA that summarizes the basics of compulsory learning. Grand Master 1st switched the order of Shodan and Nidan and started practicing from Nidan(Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei). Wado-Ryu believes in efficient use of the body and fine, fast techniques, and thus uses Nidan as the basis of all movements. Therefore, in this DVD, Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei himself will carefully explain Pinan Nidan as Wado-Ryu. Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei will carefully explain all the movements, focusing on the physical manipulations such as compression, expansion, and ”Neri” created by simultaneous reverse directions (rotation).
Pursuit of Budo karate “Wado-Ryu’s Pinan Nidan” DVD Released in mid-May 2024 https://webhiden.jp/
Step Punch, Low Block, Stepping Foot, Rotational Movement, etc Important KATA that summarizes the basics of compulsory learning.
Grand Master 1st switched the order of Shodan and Nidan and started practicing from Nidan((Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei)
Wado-Ryu believes in efficient use of the body and fine, fast techniques, and thus uses Nidan as the basis of all movements.
Therefore, in this DVD, Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei himself will carefully explain Pinan Nidan as Wado-Ryu.
Grand Master 3rd Hironori Otsuka Sensei will carefully explain all the movements, focusing on the physical manipulations such as compression, expansion, and ”Neri” created by simultaneous reverse directions (rotation).