負けは失敗ではなく、誤解に気づき改善する機会 Losing is not a failure, but an opportunity to improve upon a misunderstanding

先月開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会で、競技組手熟練の部では優勝出来ましたが、形競技熟練の部では準々決勝で敗れ、基本組手競技では準決勝で敗れました。
前回大会から1年間、しっかり準備をして本番に臨み、全ての試合で全力を発揮し、最大の目標であった『様々な国の選手たちと心を繋ぐ』ことは達成出来たので悔いはないのですが、勝敗がある競技の『敗因』を認識せず改善する機会を『失う』と私は同じことを繰り返してしまいます。私にとってはこれが『失敗』だと思っているので、大会の閉会後に審判を務められた技術審議委員の先生方にお言葉を賜り、帰宅後に自分の試合を動画で確認し、三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範のご指導を振り返りました。私は誤解に気づき改善する努力をする機会を得ることが出来ました。

Last month, I won the kumite division at Wado-Ryu Karate Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament, but lost in the quarterfinals of the kata division and the semifinals of the Kihon kumite division.
I have no regrets because I prepared thoroughly for a year since the last tournament, performed my best in every match, and achieved my biggest goal of “connecting hearts with athletes from various countries.” However, if I do not recognize the “cause of loss” in a competition where there is a win or loss, and “lose” the opportunity to improve, I will repeat the same thing. For me, this is a “failure,” so after the tournament, I received words from the technical committee members who served as judges, and after returning home, I reviewed my matches on video and reflected on the guidance of the third head of the school, Hiroki Otsuka, Supreme Master. I was able to realize my misunderstanding and make an effort to improve.
I am filled with a desire to study more than ever before in order to impart the correct knowledge, movements and techniques to the students who follow me and trust me, and to those who have the goal of taking the promotion exam in December.

半身猫足立ちを稽える Study Hanmi-Nekoashi-Dachi


When I was thinking about Hanmi-Nekoashi-Dachi, I wanted to try various things, so in this evening’s class, adults and children studied it together.
Does Hanmi-Nekoashi-Dachi cause any difference in the center of gravity, posture, or foot width depending on the situation?
We experimented with Kata, Kihon Kumite, and Free Sparring.

I remember you 師匠、流祖、父、先祖を想う そして一緒に稽古する貴方たちの幸せを願っています

Facebook で様々な投稿を閲覧していたところ、私が2000 年から 3 年半住んでいたアメリカ合宿国ユタ州ソルトレイクシティで今日、盆踊りが開催されていることを知りました。

Last night I had a strong desire to teach my students the techniques I learned from my Master Setamatsu Sensei, and their joy and excitement made me happy, of course.
While browsing through various posts on Facebook, I discovered that the Bon Festival was being held in Salt Lake City today, Utah, the US where I had been living for three and a half years from 2000.
The Bon Odori festival that is held every year in my hometown is about to begin!.
Today I am thinking of my ancestors, those who sacrificed their lives for their country, my Master Setamatsu Sensei, Grandmaster Otsuka Sensei, my father, and I dedicate this video to you, my dear friend who shares such wonderful memories with me.

「平和と調和の道」を求む和道流 Wado-ryu, which seeks the “Way of peace and harmony”


When we watch a demonstration or a video of the movement, it only takes about a minute, but during that time there is a hidden techniques in how to control the arms and legs without relying on muscles.
While doing it repeatedly in pairs, I feel the moment when partner and I connect or it is interrupted in the middle.
so we can find a way to exchange words with each other and exert the power inside the body.
Harmony is born when people interact with each other with respect and curiosity. I love Wado-ryu, which seeks the “Way of peace and harmony.”



・6月30日(日) 第2回4団体交流競技会
・6月30日(日) 第2回4団体交流競技会

私が出来ること、したいこと、好きなこと、願うこと what I wish My favorite thing what I can do what I want to do


what I wish
By sharing the spirit of Budo and techniques and charm of Wado-ryu, I hope to bring peace to the hearts of all mankind

My favorite thing
I want to experience the thoughts of the Bujin who left behind Budo, so I continue to think, research, and practice every day

what I can do
It is about creating opportunities for students to demonstrate the fruits of their daily efforts

what I want to do
Fulfilling the promises made to my students

90th anniversary & 9th International & 60th National Championships of Wado Ryu Karate Do Renmei on 24th & 25th Aug 2024 at Tokyo Budokan



Yesterday, the first typhoon of the year came to Tokyo and was hit by strong winds and strong rain.
It was such a weather, but I wanted my students to experience a tug-of-war, so I headed to two dojos with an umbrella in one hand and a 7kg training rope in the other.
They learned about the differences in how to stand, posture, and center of gravity in the Step Punch Stance, Four Legs Stance, Side Cat Stance, and Tobikomi Nagashi Stance.
They also learned how to grip their fingers, tighten theri armpits, extend their arms, and pull their arms, which they learned were connected to Tsuki techniques.
I’m happy because the children enjoyed exercising and practiced seriously.
On the road to Dojo, my whole body was covered with rain and mud, but I thought it was right to bring a rope. Because I connected my hearts with my students with a rope.
It’s sunny today !
My kimono and Do-Gi are washed and beautiful ♪


I would like to shower my students with warm love even though I am strict with them, and to foster mutual friendship among my Dojomates.

和道流空手道・柔術拳法の流祖 初代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範 著
空手道 第一巻 P5 ≪武技鍛錬の目的≫