投稿日: 2024年9月9日基本が何に繋がっているか実感出来る稽古を心がける what the basics are connected to. 子どもたちに「なぜ学校で6時間以上も国語や算数、理科、歴史を勉強するの?」と聞かれて、大人が「将来のためだよ」と言っても、子どもたちには響きませんね。そこで、「どう伝えたらいいか」と考え「好きなロボットを作りたいと思ったら、何から始めればいい?」「うーん、どんな形になるか描いて、特別なスキルを考えるかな」「次はどんな材料を使う?買うの?」「うーん、大きいと重くて部屋で場所を取るからダンボールを使う。ママとパパはAmazonで買うから、ダンボールはいつもあるからそれを使う♪」「ほら、君は想像して、描いて、測って、目標を達成するための方法を考えてるじゃないか♪問題があったときに、それを解決するための最善の方法を考え、道のりを工夫する能力を養うために学んでいるんじゃないかな♪」道場で生徒たちに教えるときも同じで 「基本が大切だよ」と言っても完全には伝わりません。だから、基礎が何に繋がっているのかを実感してもらえるような稽古私はを心がけています。Good morning.It’s a beautiful sunny day again this morning.When children ask us, “Why do we spend more than six hours at school studying Japanese, math, literacy, and history?” and we adults say, “It’s for your future,” it doesn’t resonate with them.So I thought, “How can I convey this to them?” “If you want to make a robot you like, where do you start?” “Hmm, I guess I’d draw what it would look like and think about its special skills.” “Next, what materials will you use? Do you buy them?” “Hmm, if it’s big, it’s heavy and takes up space in the room, so I use cardboard. Mom and Dad shop on Amazon, so I always have cardboard around ♪”“Look, you are imagining, drawing, measuring, and thinking of ways to achieve your goals. When you have a problem, you are learning to develop the ability to think about the best way to solve it and to devise a process.”It’s the same when I teach my students at the dojo. Even if I tell them “the basics are important,” it doesn’t fully get through to them. That’s why I try to train in a way that allows them to feel and realize what the basics are connected to.I will enjoy my day so that I can bring smiles and a fulfilling time to my students this week as well.
投稿日: 2024年9月7日「天地人の理道に和する」 先月開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会を経験した小学生と中学生の生徒たちが『熟練組手』に大変興味を持ち、彼らは「競技組手でなく熟練組手を習いたい!」という欲求を抱くようになりました。私が生徒たちに正しく伝えるため、今まで以上に研究と稽古を重ねて行きたいという欲求を私自身も強く抱いています。組手競技熟練の部において私は三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範より『人の位』と『黒メダル』を頂きましたが、これが終着点ではなく『地の位』そして『天の位』へと更なる高みを目指し私は精進致します。和道流本来の組手には、束蹴り、足刀蹴り、裏打ち、鍵手突き、背手打ち、掌底打ちなど色々な技があり、これら和道流独自の技を失わずに遺して行けるように、三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範から正しく学び、道場に戻ったら生徒たちと研究を重ねて共有して行きたいです。そして、流祖が和道流の意義を託した漢詩「天地人の理道に和する」を胸に抱き、心の平安と人との調和を生んで行けるよう人間としての成長も重ねて参ります。 大切な仲間たち 組手競技熟練の部に出場した全ての選手たちが心を繋ぐことが出来たから成し遂げることが出来たと私は想っています。 三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範が和道流と生徒たちの未来を想い作られた黒メダル。詳細は今年5月に発売された初の著書『武術を究める!和道流空手道 柔術・剣術の理で磨かれた独創的な空手』に記されています。 黒メダルに付けられる天地人の三つの位は、流祖が和道流の意義を託した漢詩から。「和天地人之理道」日本語読みでは「天地人の理道に和する」 大会実行委員会が入賞した選手たちのために用意してくれた美しくメダルの数々ですが、決して私はこれを獲得するために競技しているわけではなく、私は競技を通じて相手選手と審判や係員と仲間たちと観客と心を繋ぎたいという目標を持って10歳の時から続けています。36年経ってやっと少し出来るようになり始めたように感じています。 競技で私が勝っても、私は相手選手のほうが素晴らしい人間だと感じたことは何度もあります。自分の人生を大きく変えてくれる出会いというのは、ある日突然訪れるのですが、待っているのではなく探し求めていると引き寄せられることがあると思います。 8月25日(日)に行われた三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範により特別稽古。世界中の和道流の生徒たちが一堂に会し一緒に稽古することが出来たとても幸せな時間でした。
投稿日: 2024年9月5日和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会2024のページを作成しました。 和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会2024
投稿日: 2024年9月4日櫂棒から剣術や空手道に繋がる動きと技の探求 I explored the movements that connect from Eku’s KATA to Kenjutsu and Karate 毎晩、就寝時に和道流の形について考えています。「流祖 大塚博紀 先生は私たち和道流の生徒たちに何を伝えようとしているのか、私たちは何を発見すべきか」そんなことを続けているとある時ふっと閃く瞬間があります。それを次の朝に自分の身体で実験するの私の日常です。昨夜は道場で櫂棒の形を稽古している中で剣術や空手道に繋がる動きや技が多くあると感じました。様々な武術が繋がりを持っているように、私たち人間も手を取り合い心を繋いで平和な世界を一緒に作っていけるに違いありません。Every night before going to bed, I think about the Wado-ryu KATA. “What is the founder of Wado-ryu, Hironori Otsuka Sensei, trying to tell us Wado-ryu students? What should we discover?” When I continue to do this, one day I suddenly have an idea. The next morning, I try it out on my own body. This is my daily routine.While practicing Eku’s KATA at the dojo last night, I felt that there were many movements and techniques that could be linked to Kenjutsu and karate-Do.Just as various Bujutsu are connected, I am sure that we humans can join hands and connect our hearts to create a peaceful world together.
投稿日: 2024年9月3日A beautiful and spectacular performance 美しく壮大な演武『和道流空手道連盟と龍虎太鼓会による和太鼓演奏コラボ演武』 2024年8月24日・25日に東京武道館で開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会で行われた美しく壮大な演武『和道流空手道連盟と龍虎太鼓会による和太鼓演奏コラボ演武』A beautiful and spectacular demonstration was held at Wado-ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament were held at the Tokyo Budokan on August 24th and 25th, 2024.“A collaborative performance of Japanese drums by Wado-ryu Karate-Do Renmei and Ryuko Taiko kai”
投稿日: 2024年8月31日往古来今 Inheritance 8月最後の稽古をし、今夏最後の投稿。私は競技に特化した稽古はせず、和道流に魅了されている皆さんと同じく私も基本、形、組手だけでなく基本組手, 居取り, 組手形, 女子護身術, 短刀取り, 太刀取りを稽古するのがとても好きです。昨年の8月から1年間、和道流柔術拳法を稽え和道流空手道を理解し、和道流の組手に応用し国際大会で実践することが出来ました。This is the last practice and last post in August.I do not train specifically for competitive purposes, and like many others who are fascinated by Wado-ryu, I love to train not only KATA and KUMITE, but also Kihon Kumite, Idori, Kumite-Kata, Women Self-Defence, Knife Defence and Sword Defence.For one year from August last year, I had been studying and resurching Wado-ryu Jujitsu Kenpo to deeply understand Wado-ryu Karate-Do, apply it to Wado-ryu Kumite and was able to practiced it in international tournament.
投稿日: 2024年8月28日I found the precious thing I seek 探していた大切なものを見つけられた Although I was born in Japan, which is said to be safe compared to other countries, my childhood memories are of days of fear of violence.My father and uncle had a dispute over my grandmother’s inheritance, and my father gave everything to my uncle, but my uncle, who had spent everything, demanded money from my father and mother, and when they did not respond, my uncle was angry. He started getting violent.My father continued to endure violence from his uncle. The two lost their father in the war and were poor and hungry from an early age. After my uncle graduated from elementary school, he picked up scrap metal every day and earned money to buy one bowl of udon noodles a day, which the whole family ate. My father has memories of my uncle supporting him when he was young, so instead of hating his brother, my father endured violence and continued to verbally admonish his brother.My father was hospitalized due to overwork and violence from his uncle. My uncle’s violence was directed at my mother, sisters, me and my younger brother. My mother fought to protect us children, and when she felt we were in danger, she would take us out of the house and move between relatives’ homes and cheap hotels. When my mother ran out of money, there were many days when our family slept in the car.I made a decision when I was 10 years old. I want to become a strong man who can protect my mother, sisters, and younger brother.'' That's why I started karate. What I wanted when I was young was to be able to spend time with my family in a place where I could feel at peace.God made me meet Wado-ryu. Wado-ryu introduced me to a great teacher, Setamatsu Sensei. Setamatsu Sensei taught me strength, kindness, duty and humanity. This strength, kindness, duty and humanity have given me students. My students have given me purpose and responsibility in life. My father passed away in 2016 and my master Setamatsu Sensei passed away in 2017, but God gave me a life to learn from Grandmaster III HironoriKazutaka” Otsuka Sensei. I have already learned something important from Otsuka Sensei. “What you teach is important, but how you teach it is even more important.” Because the extent of understanding and mastery varies depending on the other person’s knowledge, experience, and skills, so it is necessary to know the other person and watch their reactions. New light cannot be created through self-satisfaction and selfishness. “I look for what I can do for the person in front of me, and when I find it, I think of the best way to convey it and do it.If I fail, I spare no effort to improve.”This is what I want to do.I found the precious thing I seek.If I kept doing that, I became a family with everyone.I love you, I love Wado-ryu so much.
投稿日: 2024年8月26日Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary 9th International Tournament 60th National Tournament There are no winners or losers here. We are peacemakersWado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary 9th International Tournament 60th National TournamentThank you to everyone from all over the world for coming to Japan.“We are Wado-Ryu family”I want to share with you this video that I made with so much love and heart.I was so sad to leave you all yesterday, but I look forward to seeing you again.
投稿日: 2024年8月23日『 心響 Echo of the heart 』 Final day of the International Exchange Practice Session Today, the second day of the international exchange practice session, 46 people participated from the United States, the Netherlands, France, Brazil, the Philippines, and Japan.Everyone should have been tired after practicing seriously for four hours yesterday, but today also everyone concentrated from the morning and practiced for three hours.I have been abroad every year since I first went abroad when I was 17 years old. It was not for travel, but mostly to participate in international competitions. I have had a purpose and have continued to challenge myself to show what I have worked hard for. Therefore, I can understand very well the feelings of the Wado-ryu Family who spent yesterday and today with me.I strongly wanted to do the best I could for my Wado-Ryu Family, who are so important to me. Because, since I was a teenager, there have been SENSEIs who supported me, even though I couldn’t speak English, had no experience, knowledge, or money. Their precious students are also precious to me.Thank you all so much for coming to Japan. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all for participating in the two-day international exchange practice session. I wish you all the success for tomorrow and the best in the future.
投稿日: 2024年8月22日Welcome to Japan. International Exchange Practice Session on Day 1 Following last week’s summer training camp, I am again at Bumb Tokyo Sports and Culture Center today.I am hosting international exchange practice sessions the day before and two days before Wado-ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International & 60th National Tournament , which will be held the day after tomorrow.I hope that you all have a wonderful day of international exchange.