10th anniversary! 2023 Komae Festival 10周年!2023 狛江フェスティバル

10th anniversary! 2023 Komae Festival

I performed a demonstration with my son & student at the festival held in our hometown, Tokyo Komae, and it was a great success!

My son & student were impressed that not only their families and friends, but also many viewers just 2 meters away were able to see happy faces.

My son & student went to enjoy the festival surrounded by family and friends after the demonstration ♪

10周年!2023 狛江フェスティバル




I feel that the four seasons in Japan are special, expressing human feelings.

I feel that the four seasons in Japan are special and true, expressing human feelings. Summer is over and autumn is coming, there is a parting and new encounters, it makes me feel sad and expected.

A typhoon is approaching, and the hot summer has passed due to rain and wind, and I feel the arrival of cool autumn.

The dojo remains the same, and after finishing classes and club activities, junior high school students came to practice last night.




Anyone, regardless of age or gender, can start Budo. 武道は老若男女問わず歓迎してくれる

The reason why I started practicing karate was to become a man who protects my mother and two older sisters.
Because there was so much violence close to us.
36 years ago, when I started practicing karate, there were 50 students in Dojo, and there were only 2 girls.
I respected two girls who were very strong, bright and confident, so I thought, “I wish more girls would start practicing karate.” I came to think that.

It’s been 36 years, and now I’m practicing with about 100 children, and more than half of them are girls. I feel that girls are practicing more diligently than boys.

Anyone, regardless of age or gender, can start Budo. That’s why we can create peace and harmony. Budo never discriminates.


36年経ち、今では約100人の子どもたちと練習をしていますが、その半数以上が女の子です。 男子より女子の方が熱心に稽古している気がします。

武道は老若男女問わず誰でも始められます。 だからこそ私たちは平和と調和を生み出すことができるのです。 武道は決して差別をしません。

奉納演武 I did a dedication demonstration to Tama River and God




I did a dedication demonstration to Tama River and God who watches over me in every morning’s practice.

This year, I suffered a lot of injuries, but I was able to continue practicing every day because the sun, the sky, the river, the grass, the trees and the air healed me.

And thank you very much to everyone who always looks at my posts. Your message of support and joy gives me strength.

Arigatou Gozaimas !


What has had a big impact on own life?

For me, it’s an encounter with a Kakkoii Otoko !

The person I admired poured his passion into karate-Do. And he poured that passion into me as well.

I will become such a Kakkoii Otoko !

When Setamatsu Sensei, who was 92 years old, was summoned to heaven six years ago, I almost lost my way, but I didn’t lose my mind. Because Setamatsu Sensei gave me a new encounter. That Senseis is giving me more passion !

There’s no reason why I don’t burn my mind !

This video is a today’s morning class.
After this, I participated in the monthly practice at the General Headquarters Dojo. I’m still excited. Because the practice here was special.


I have students who want to learn from me everything I have. And they also have a strong will to learn everything from me.

This bond of trust enhances the meaning and value of each other’s lives.

I must never betray them. What I should do is to create an opportunity to have a better experience and give them.

I believe that they can make their future bright.

第59回和道流空手道連盟全国大会 59th Wado-ryu Karate-Do Federation National Championships 2023

Thank you so much for always watching at my posts, cheerring our students, and sending me a congratulatory message today. I’m happy to be able to connect with everyone through karate. My reason for living is to be involved in the growth of children in Japanese martial arts. I will continue to do my best, so please cheer me.


I won 1st place in the Sonen Kata division and got a gold medal, and I got 2nd place in the Kihon Kumite division and got a silver medal, and I won 1st place in the Jukuren Kumite division But with my skills, it was not at the level where black medals were presented.

My son, boy and girl students lost in the quarterfinals, but were awarded the Fighting Spirit Award.

The most memorable thing for me about the summer training camp 2023

The most memorable thing for me about the summer training camp I went to at Saitama Seibu Chichibu is the reaction when the children learned the kumite of Wado-ryu, not the competition Kumite.
The figure that they worked on while being surprised and enjoying it remains vivid in my heart.
I believe that the desire to share what I cherish with important people can be conveyed to the other person depending on my own efforts.