

We always welcome you.

Two students who moved to Phoenix, Arizona, USA from March of this year temporarily returned home and participated in this morning’s practice. We are also very happy that two students who have gotten used to living in a foreign country and have confidence are smiling.
今年の3月からアメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州フェニックス に移住した生徒2人が一時帰国し、今朝の稽古に参加しました。外国での生活に慣れ自信を持った2人が笑顔を見せてくれて私たちもとても嬉しいです。

Thoracic vertebra rotation exercise 硬い胸椎の動きを柔らかくし可動域を広げる運動

I felt the hardness of the thoracic spine, so I tried stretching to smooth the rotation of the thoracic spine.
Dips was done by rounding the back when stretching the elbows to stimulate the pectoral muscles, not the triceps.


I have a total of 15 classes. Among them, 13 classes are practiced for a small group of 6 people, and the remaining 2 classes are practiced for more than 20 people.
The students in a small class are close in age and almost the same level, so it is not difficult to think about a program to achieve the goal and a training menu that the students can be satisfied with.
On the other hand, large classes vary in age, physical strength, level, and goals.
After arriving at Dojo, I know who will be present and absent, so I’m looking at everyone’s faces and deciding what to do today in about 10 minutes.
It is important for everyone who leaves Dojo after the practice to feel that “I had a good practice today as well.”
I would be happy if my thoughts were put into practice and delivered to everyone.


The time to work with a clear purpose is fun with every move 一挙手一投足を楽しむ

The time to work with a clear purpose is fun with every move. I also cherish it because there are moments when new discoveries, realizations, and inspirations are born.
My team who share that time together are my treasure.
