”Fragments of irreplaceable hope”

”Fragments of irreplaceable hope”

Being lit by the sunset
Talking as if in a daze
That place I am aiming for
I believe it is coming soon
Anyone and Everyone
I feel something in my chest
Something that makes want to run away at times
That’s why
I get support from my friends

Let’s go!
To grab the best tomorrow
Of freedom without restraint
You cannot gain it alone
Feel the warmth
Of the strong, strong pulling hands

There are thousands of stars that blink
On the moonlight’s face I want to protect this
Value each other
We all have colorful personalities
Don’t act confused
Acknowledge each other
Create new powers

Let’s go!
To grab the best tomorrow
Of freedom without restraint
You cannot gain it alone
Feel the warmth
Of the strong, strong pulling hands

Let’s go!
To grab the best tomorrow
Of freedom without restraint
You cannot gain it alone
Feel the warmth
Of the strong, strong pulling hands

Let’s go!
On the best road to bonds
Don’t be afraid of anything
Fragments of irreplaceable hope
Now clenched
I can go beyond any fate


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