
ドイツオリンピックスポーツ連盟によって承認されているシュレースヴィヒ ホルシュタイン州で唯一の空手の専門団体のwebsiteにて、先月開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会について記事が掲載されています。




On the website of the only professional karate organization in Schleswig-Holstein recognized by the German Olympic Sports Confederation, there is an article about the Wado-ryu Karate-do Renmei’s 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament, which were held last month.

The article contains words of gratitude to the management staff who cared for the athletes who came to Japan from overseas to compete in the international tournament.

I was moved to tears by the heartfelt words about the efforts of those who supported the international tournament behind the scenes, such as adjusting the temperature in the building so that athletes and spectators could feel comfortable, interpreting and announcing in various languages, and checking in athletes with a barcode reader to prevent reception errors.

I don’t understand German at all, so I used software to translate. I understood all the thoughts of the posters.