櫂棒から剣術や空手道に繋がる動きと技の探求 I explored the movements that connect from Eku’s KATA to Kenjutsu and Karate


「流祖 大塚博紀 先生は私たち和道流の生徒たちに何を伝えようとしているのか、私たちは何を発見すべきか」




Every night before going to bed, I think about the Wado-ryu KATA. 

“What is the founder of Wado-ryu, Hironori Otsuka Sensei, trying to tell us Wado-ryu students? What should we discover?” 

When I continue to do this, one day I suddenly have an idea. The next morning, I try it out on my own body. This is my daily routine.

While practicing Eku’s KATA at the dojo last night, I felt that there were many movements and techniques that could be linked to Kenjutsu and karate-Do.

Just as various Bujutsu are connected, I am sure that we humans can join hands and connect our hearts to create a peaceful world together.