Anyone, regardless of age or gender, can start Budo. 武道は老若男女問わず歓迎してくれる

The reason why I started practicing karate was to become a man who protects my mother and two older sisters.
Because there was so much violence close to us.
36 years ago, when I started practicing karate, there were 50 students in Dojo, and there were only 2 girls.
I respected two girls who were very strong, bright and confident, so I thought, “I wish more girls would start practicing karate.” I came to think that.

It’s been 36 years, and now I’m practicing with about 100 children, and more than half of them are girls. I feel that girls are practicing more diligently than boys.

Anyone, regardless of age or gender, can start Budo. That’s why we can create peace and harmony. Budo never discriminates.


36年経ち、今では約100人の子どもたちと練習をしていますが、その半数以上が女の子です。 男子より女子の方が熱心に稽古している気がします。

武道は老若男女問わず誰でも始められます。 だからこそ私たちは平和と調和を生み出すことができるのです。 武道は決して差別をしません。


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