前回大会から1年間、しっかり準備をして本番に臨み、全ての試合で全力を発揮し、最大の目標であった『様々な国の選手たちと心を繋ぐ』ことは達成出来たので悔いはないのですが、勝敗がある競技の『敗因』を認識せず改善する機会を『失う』と私は同じことを繰り返してしまいます。私にとってはこれが『失敗』だと思っているので、大会の閉会後に審判を務められた技術審議委員の先生方にお言葉を賜り、帰宅後に自分の試合を動画で確認し、三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範のご指導を振り返りました。私は誤解に気づき改善する努力をする機会を得ることが出来ました。
Last month, I won the kumite division at Wado-Ryu Karate Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament, but lost in the quarterfinals of the kata division and the semifinals of the Kihon kumite division.
I have no regrets because I prepared thoroughly for a year since the last tournament, performed my best in every match, and achieved my biggest goal of “connecting hearts with athletes from various countries.” However, if I do not recognize the “cause of loss” in a competition where there is a win or loss, and “lose” the opportunity to improve, I will repeat the same thing. For me, this is a “failure,” so after the tournament, I received words from the technical committee members who served as judges, and after returning home, I reviewed my matches on video and reflected on the guidance of the third head of the school, Hiroki Otsuka, Supreme Master. I was able to realize my misunderstanding and make an effort to improve.
I am filled with a desire to study more than ever before in order to impart the correct knowledge, movements and techniques to the students who follow me and trust me, and to those who have the goal of taking the promotion exam in December.