基本組手裏2本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 2honme



《Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 2honme》

I asked myself how I would respond if my student asked me, “What is the sacrum? What does it mean to stand the sacrum?”

I think I know this maybe, and that’s why I’ve been able to live these 47 years without any serious injuries (In previous matches, I have cut the eyelid of my right eye and exposed the bone, my nose is bent to the right, my tooth has penetrated my lower lip, I have lost three front teeth, and I have broken a rib. However, these injuries are not serious to me because I have treated and healed them myself without hospitalization or surgery.).

I don’t think my students should have to get hurt, so I’m thinking about various measures.

【Two reasons to align my sacru】
① By placing the spine on the sacrum, I can create a relaxed state.
② The sacrum overlaps with the center of gravity, so moving from there allows me to move in my natural way.

基本組手裏1本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 1pponme


Since October has 31 days, I am studying each of the 24 Kihon Kumite Ura one by one.
Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 1pponme.
Sharing the results of research with children at the dojo.



If we continue to reject each other because it is difficult or we are not good at it, the distance between us will not be narrowed. In order to understand each other, we need to make an effort to get to know each other, one step at a time. Both in human relationships and kihon kumite.
I think it’s important to have teammates who will throw and be thrown at each other over and over again, and put up with me until I’m exhausted.

『武の道の極意は道の一里塚 道は涯なき宇宙への道』

和道流・流祖 大塚博紀 初代宗家


There are junior high school students, high school students, university students, and adults who attend the dojo purely to learn Wado-ryu, not for the primary purpose of competition. I hope that their time at the dojo will be meaningful for them. Yesterday, we all studied the stepwork of 9honme of Kihonkumite.


Aim for natural movement by training Tobikomi-Nagashi-Stance in various ways


I was touched by the words, “Movements that are not performed in everyday life are perceived as unnatural movements, but with training they become natural movements,” so I try to practice Tobikomi-Nagashi-Stance in various ways in order to achieve a natural movement.


ドイツオリンピックスポーツ連盟によって承認されているシュレースヴィヒ ホルシュタイン州で唯一の空手の専門団体のwebsiteにて、先月開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会について記事が掲載されています。




On the website of the only professional karate organization in Schleswig-Holstein recognized by the German Olympic Sports Confederation, there is an article about the Wado-ryu Karate-do Renmei’s 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament, which were held last month.

The article contains words of gratitude to the management staff who cared for the athletes who came to Japan from overseas to compete in the international tournament.

I was moved to tears by the heartfelt words about the efforts of those who supported the international tournament behind the scenes, such as adjusting the temperature in the building so that athletes and spectators could feel comfortable, interpreting and announcing in various languages, and checking in athletes with a barcode reader to prevent reception errors.

I don’t understand German at all, so I used software to translate. I understood all the thoughts of the posters.

道場は先生方と共に生きる特別な場所 Dojo is the sacred places where I continue to create with sensei


I’m sure there are people among you who are not related by blood but whom you look up to as ideal fathers. I have three such people.
Hiromasa Setamatsu sensei, Koichi Tajagi sensei, Koki Yasuhiro sensei
Setamatsu Sensei passed away in 2017, Yasuhiro Sensei in 2022, and Takagi Sensei passed away just before the international competition last month. I cannot see my senseis, but I know they are in my heart and I am having conversations with senseis.
The dojo where I practice every Sunday is the sacred places where my senseis spent their time, and where I continue to live and create with senseis.

思考は柔らかく意志は固く 無駄な力は抜いて気を抜かず 模擬刀であっても真剣に稽古する 真面目に取り組む時間を共に楽しむ

I want my thoughts to be soft and my will to be strong.
I won’t let my guard down, but I want to let go of unnecessary energy.
I practice seriously even if it’s a mock sword. And I enjoy spending some serious time with my students ♪
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ♪
9月21日(土)にJKFan 11月号が発売されました。
和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念 第9回国際大会 大会60回全国大会の記事が掲載されています。
組手競技個人戦 熟練の部で優勝した直後に受けたインタビューで応えた言葉が載っており、天国にいる師匠の瀬田松弘昌 師範と高木浩一先生に恩返しの一つ目が出来ました。

武道精神を表現し、人と人の心を繋ぐことが出来る技を伝えていく I want to convey skills that express the Budo spirit


A 10-year-old boy was attacked with a knife by an assailant on his way to a Japanese school overseas on the morning of the 18th, and was killed on the 19th.
I have two children and kid students, so I can understand the feelings of the parents and teachers of the children who died and it really pains me.So I thought of that boy and practiced yesterday, and promised him, “I will do my best to work toward a future without violence.”
What I want to teach children is not fighting or combat techniques, but the importance of mutual respect between people, respect for each other’s thoughts, values and lives, and I want to convey skills that express the Budo spirit and can connect people’s hearts.

刺突を通して順突きの突っ込みを研究する Studying Junzuki no Tsukkomi through Shitotsu

