Thank you so much for watching and supporting us for a year.
This year started with a demonstration performance at a big event held in February. In March and September, I held promotion exams for my students, participated in a big competition in June, and in August, I hosted a summer training camp and an international exchange training session, and took part in the 9th International Tournament and the 60th National Tournament, which commemorate the 90th anniversary of Wado-Ryu Karate-do Renmei. I was able to do my best this tournament, which was my biggest goal this year.
The last challenge of this year was DAN promotion examination of Wado-Ryu Karate-do Renmei. I tried for the 6th dan, two instructors tried for the 4th dan, and an adult and 4 elementary school students tried for the 1st dan, and all of them passed.
I hope to cherish the time I spend with my students and continue to create opportunities for them to have encounters and experiences that will help them develop healthy minds and bodies.
Arigatou Gozaimasita
Katsuhisa Tomitaka