基本組手裏12本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 12honme
Today, after the morning class, the monthly practice was held at the headquarters dojo of Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei. We learned Nukite, Tsuki, Joudan Uke, Junzuki, the application of these basic techniques, and Bassai movements 1-9 from Grand Master Ⅲ Hironori Otsuka Sensei.
In the morning class, I started with basic abdominal pressure and sacral exercises to explore movements connected to Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, then moved on to basic techniques such as Gyakuzuki, Neri of the waist, and stepwork. Using these basics, I performed Sword Defense, Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, and Kihon Kumite 3 bonme, and finally Free Sparring.
I usually practice while being conscious of how the basics connect to something, but today was a very fruitful day for me, where I felt the importance of the basics more than ever before.

I was here today because I was asked by a private elementary school in Akabane, Tokyo to give an introduction to karate-do.
I told students from the first to third grade of elementary school about “justice,” “courage,” and “Budo” using picture stories “KAMISHIBAI” that I created myself.
Once we connected, I taught them Tsuki and High Block.
The most exciting part was learning about compression and expansion using balloons. Finally, I left the children with a talk about peace and harmony.

This school practices Catholic education, and there are many beautiful statues of the Virgin Mary on campus. As I was gazing at the statue, a nun called out to me and gave me a short tour of the school. We talked about the precious things that we must not lose, even as times change. She was the school’s chairman, and was very kind and gentle. With a gentle smile, she said, “Let’s meet again and have some fun,” and we parted ways.

基本組手裏11本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 11pponme
基本組手裏10本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 10pponme
私は1987年に瀬田松先生に師事し、恩返しの想いを込め2010年から「瀬田松杯空手道競技会」を主催、2017年に舞台「瀬田松伝」を上演、昨年に開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念 第9回国際大会 第60回全国大会の組手競技熟練の部で優勝を収めました。そして、100歳を迎えられた今年、瀬田松先生の生誕100年を祝いたく、東京都の狛江駅前にあるエコルマホールの使用契約をして参りました。
2025年8月3日(日)に『瀬田松弘昌先生 生誕100年祭』を主催します。
Today, January 11th (Saturday), is the 100th birthday of Master Setamatsu Hiromasa sensei.
Setamatsu sensei, born in 1925, was a great and kindhearted teacher who loved Wado-ryu and worked hard to popularize and develop it for 72 years, from 1945 after the end of the war to 2017.
I studied under Setamatsu sensei in 1987, and in 2010 I hosted the Setamatsu Cup Karate-do Tournament with the desire to give back to him. In 2017 I performed the play Setamatsuden, and last year I won the kumite competition at the 9th International Tournament and the 60th National Tournament held to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Wado-ryu Karate-do Renmei’s founding. And this year, as he turned 100, I have signed a contract to use the Ecorma Hall in front of Komae Station in Tokyo to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Setamatsu sensei’s birth.
I will be hosting the “100th Anniversary of the Birth of Setamatsu Hiromasa Sensei” on Sunday, August 3, 2025.
This venue is used by many professional musicians, artists, and entertainers, and is booked up a year in advance on weekends and holidays, but miraculously, a space became available on Sunday, August 3. Since it can be used from 9:00am to 5:00pm, We are thinking of rehearsing in the morning, starting at 1:00pm and ending at 3:00pm, and then changing the venue for the celebration party after 3:00pm.
Ecorma Hall is a large venue with 728 seats, so we will open it to the public so that many people can watch, and we will beautifully present the performances of individuals and groups who have been involved with Setamatsu Sensei, such as demonstrations, speeches, and special skills, with “video”, “lighting”, and “music”.
Details will be announced again. We appreciate your continued support and cooperation.
2024年12月、今年最後に私がしたかったこと December 2024. The last thing I wanted to do this year
今年もご視聴と応援ありがとうございました Thank you so much for watching and supporting us again this year

Thank you so much for watching and supporting us for a year.
This year started with a demonstration performance at a big event held in February. In March and September, I held promotion exams for my students, participated in a big competition in June, and in August, I hosted a summer training camp and an international exchange training session, and took part in the 9th International Tournament and the 60th National Tournament, which commemorate the 90th anniversary of Wado-Ryu Karate-do Renmei. I was able to do my best this tournament, which was my biggest goal this year.
The last challenge of this year was DAN promotion examination of Wado-Ryu Karate-do Renmei. I tried for the 6th dan, two instructors tried for the 4th dan, and an adult and 4 elementary school students tried for the 1st dan, and all of them passed.
I hope to cherish the time I spend with my students and continue to create opportunities for them to have encounters and experiences that will help them develop healthy minds and bodies.
Arigatou Gozaimasita
Katsuhisa Tomitaka
和道流空手道連盟 昇段審査会 8名全員合格!

今年も1年間指導して頂いた三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範、副会長 寺田英視 先生、理事長 坂巻明 先生、副理事長 押田良光 先生、誠にありがとうございました。
私をいつも応援し支えてくれている母と妻と子供たち、ハワイの母と慕い尊敬する小高寛子先生、アメリカでの生活時代から兄と慕う西村昭二先生、競技会や合宿や大会でいつも支援し私と家族と生徒たちを大切に想ってくれる立木茂 先輩、ありがとうございます!

I was granted the 6th dan, two instructors were granted the 4th dan, and four students were granted the 1st dan.
I would also like to thank those who sent me messages believing that I would pass ♪