往古来今 Inheritance


私は競技に特化した稽古はせず、和道流に魅了されている皆さんと同じく私も基本、形、組手だけでなく基本組手, 居取り, 組手形, 女子護身術, 短刀取り, 太刀取りを稽古するのがとても好きです。


This is the last practice and last post in August.

I do not train specifically for competitive purposes, and like many others who are fascinated by Wado-ryu, I love to train not only KATA and KUMITE, but also Kihon Kumite, Idori, Kumite-Kata, Women Self-Defence, Knife Defence and Sword Defence.

For one year from August last year, I had been studying and resurching Wado-ryu Jujitsu Kenpo to deeply understand Wado-ryu Karate-Do, apply it to Wado-ryu Kumite and was able to practiced it in international tournament.