There are junior high school students, high school students, university students, and adults who attend the dojo purely to learn Wado-ryu, not for the primary purpose of competition. I hope that their time at the dojo will be meaningful for them. Yesterday, we all studied the stepwork of 9honme of Kihonkumite.
I want my thoughts to be soft and my will to be strong. I won’t let my guard down, but I want to let go of unnecessary energy. I practice seriously even if it’s a mock sword. And I enjoy spending some serious time with my students ♪ I hope you all have a wonderful weekend ♪9月21日(土)にJKFan 11月号が発売されました。和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念 第9回国際大会 大会60回全国大会の記事が掲載されています。組手競技個人戦 熟練の部で優勝した直後に受けたインタビューで応えた言葉が載っており、天国にいる師匠の瀬田松弘昌 師範と高木浩一先生に恩返しの一つ目が出来ました。
On Saturdays, dojo practice starts at 9:25am. Although the students are still sleepy, they gather on time. This morning, there was a moment when I felt the students’ growth. During the kata practice, I asked the students, “What do Neri and abdominal pressure have in common?” The eight- and nine-year-olds raised their hands. They answered, “It improves my posture!” I continued to ask them, “Is there a difference between Neri and abdominal pressure?” They answered with shining eyes, smiling faces and raising their hands. 「In Neri, the upper and lower parts of the body rotate in opposite directions. It’s like wringing out a rag. When the wringing returns to its original position, a fast rotation is created ♪」 The parents, watching as their young children spoke one after another, were amazed and delighted with their children’s growth, just like me. Nationality, age, gender, etc. are irrelevant. If we walk the path of reason together, we can all live in harmony with heaven, earth, and mankind. “Ten, Chi, Jin no Ri Dou ni Wa suru”
I thought and felt about “two sides of the same coin” and “attack and defense as one” on Friday night’s practice. Master and disciple, teacher and parents, parent and child, husband and wife, old and young, man and woman, offense and protection, blade and sheath. Things that at first glance appear to be conflicting or separate are actually closely related. The outside and the inside are one. working together as one with those who are active in the public eye and those behind the scenes. I think that Improving educational outcomes is possible when teacher guidance and family cooperation are two sides of the same coin.
When translated into English, the Japanese word KEIKO 稽古'' is expressed as practice,” but KEIKO 稽古'' means thinking about ancient times.” I like that KEIKO 稽古 because thinking about ancient times allows me to face myself deeply. Learn from ancient times, apply it to modern times, and make the future better.
I received a question from a student who studied Kendo during his school days. “What is the difference between Kendo and Kenjutsu?” Rather than me telling the students “about the differences,” I hoped that the students themselves would be able to touch the sword and have the sword speak to them. I have considered that Sword Defense No. 2, Knife Defense No. 1, and Basic Kumite No. 3 have techniques that can be applied to each other. and used them in free kumite.