基本組手裏20本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 20pponme
基本組手裏19本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 19honme
There are only five sessions left of “Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura” that began in October last year. I was able to spend a meaningful six months with a wonderful research topic.
The realizations, discoveries and inspiration that come from continuing are what motivate me to continue my desire to exercise and explore.
基本組手裏18本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 18pponme
基本組手裏17本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 17honme
基本組手裏16本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 16pponme
基本組手裏15本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 15honme
I don’t do simple repetitive movements, but try the same movements in different ways, which stimulates my brain and nerves and keeps me wanting to exercise.
基本組手裏14本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 14honme
基本組手裏13本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 13bonme
基本組手裏12本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 12honme
Today, after the morning class, the monthly practice was held at the headquarters dojo of Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei. We learned Nukite, Tsuki, Joudan Uke, Junzuki, the application of these basic techniques, and Bassai movements 1-9 from Grand Master Ⅲ Hironori Otsuka Sensei.
In the morning class, I started with basic abdominal pressure and sacral exercises to explore movements connected to Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, then moved on to basic techniques such as Gyakuzuki, Neri of the waist, and stepwork. Using these basics, I performed Sword Defense, Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, and Kihon Kumite 3 bonme, and finally Free Sparring.
I usually practice while being conscious of how the basics connect to something, but today was a very fruitful day for me, where I felt the importance of the basics more than ever before.