基本組手裏7本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 7honme
基本組手裏6本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 6pponme

It is available for pre-order on Web HIDDEN and amazon ♪
8月に東京で開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念 第9回国際大会&第60回全国大会のDVDがBAB Japanにより発売されます。
Web HIDDENとamazonで予約受付中です。
月刊 秘伝 Web HIDDEN
基本組手裏5本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 5honme
基本組手裏4本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 4honme
I think that in order to improve reaction speed, I need to repeat something every day.
Rather than repeating the same thing, I want to keep my desire to research, so I investigate, imagine, and experiment repeatedly.
It stimulates my brain and nerves, and I enjoy it because it leads to new discoveries.
基本組手裏3本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 3Bonme
基本組手裏2本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 2honme
《Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 2honme》
I asked myself how I would respond if my student asked me, “What is the sacrum? What does it mean to stand the sacrum?”
I think I know this maybe, and that’s why I’ve been able to live these 47 years without any serious injuries (In previous matches, I have cut the eyelid of my right eye and exposed the bone, my nose is bent to the right, my tooth has penetrated my lower lip, I have lost three front teeth, and I have broken a rib. However, these injuries are not serious to me because I have treated and healed them myself without hospitalization or surgery.).
I don’t think my students should have to get hurt, so I’m thinking about various measures.
【Two reasons to align my sacru】
① By placing the spine on the sacrum, I can create a relaxed state.
② The sacrum overlaps with the center of gravity, so moving from there allows me to move in my natural way.
基本組手裏1本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 1pponme
Since October has 31 days, I am studying each of the 24 Kihon Kumite Ura one by one.
Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 1pponme.
Sharing the results of research with children at the dojo.