Last month, I won the kumite division at Wado-Ryu Karate Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament, but lost in the quarterfinals of the kata division and the semifinals of the Kihon kumite division. I have no regrets because I prepared thoroughly for a year since the last tournament, performed my best in every match, and achieved my biggest goal of “connecting hearts with athletes from various countries.” However, if I do not recognize the “cause of loss” in a competition where there is a win or loss, and “lose” the opportunity to improve, I will repeat the same thing. For me, this is a “failure,” so after the tournament, I received words from the technical committee members who served as judges, and after returning home, I reviewed my matches on video and reflected on the guidance of the third head of the school, Hiroki Otsuka, Supreme Master. I was able to realize my misunderstanding and make an effort to improve. I am filled with a desire to study more than ever before in order to impart the correct knowledge, movements and techniques to the students who follow me and trust me, and to those who have the goal of taking the promotion exam in December.
Good morning. It’s a beautiful sunny day again this morning. When children ask us, “Why do we spend more than six hours at school studying Japanese, math, literacy, and history?” and we adults say, “It’s for your future,” it doesn’t resonate with them. So I thought, “How can I convey this to them?” “If you want to make a robot you like, where do you start?” “Hmm, I guess I’d draw what it would look like and think about its special skills.” “Next, what materials will you use? Do you buy them?” “Hmm, if it’s big, it’s heavy and takes up space in the room, so I use cardboard. Mom and Dad shop on Amazon, so I always have cardboard around ♪” “Look, you are imagining, drawing, measuring, and thinking of ways to achieve your goals. When you have a problem, you are learning to develop the ability to think about the best way to solve it and to devise a process.” It’s the same when I teach my students at the dojo. Even if I tell them “the basics are important,” it doesn’t fully get through to them. That’s why I try to train in a way that allows them to feel and realize what the basics are connected to. I will enjoy my day so that I can bring smiles and a fulfilling time to my students this week as well.
Every night before going to bed, I think about the Wado-ryu KATA.
“What is the founder of Wado-ryu, Hironori Otsuka Sensei, trying to tell us Wado-ryu students? What should we discover?”
When I continue to do this, one day I suddenly have an idea. The next morning, I try it out on my own body. This is my daily routine.
While practicing Eku’s KATA at the dojo last night, I felt that there were many movements and techniques that could be linked to Kenjutsu and karate-Do.
Just as various Bujutsu are connected, I am sure that we humans can join hands and connect our hearts to create a peaceful world together.
A beautiful and spectacular demonstration was held at Wado-ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International Tournament, and 60th National Tournament were held at the Tokyo Budokan on August 24th and 25th, 2024.
“A collaborative performance of Japanese drums by Wado-ryu Karate-Do Renmei and Ryuko Taiko kai”