I worked hard with my trusted teammates in the Sunday class, and each of us was able to clearly define the tasks we needed to accomplish in the remaining 26 days.
The birth flower for July 26th is the bougainvillea. The bougainvillea has the flower language of “passion,” “I can only see you,” and “overflowing charm.” Today, I will practice with passion.
There is one month left until the Wado-ryu Karate Renmei 90th Anniversary, the 9th International Tournament, and the 60th National Tournament. For over a month now, I have not done any strength training using barbells or medicine balls, and have instead been practicing using swords, Bo, Eku and Tonfa, focusing on abdominal pressure, center of gravity and axis. I am able to live without injury or fatigue, and my weight and body fat are at their best. This morning I suddenly wondered, “I wonder if my muscle strength and stamina have declined?” and decided to try it for the first time in a while. I once again realized that exercising feels good. Today I will be practicing hard in three classes from now until 9pm.
Last night I had a strong desire to teach my students the techniques I learned from my Master Setamatsu Sensei, and their joy and excitement made me happy, of course. While browsing through various posts on Facebook, I discovered that the Bon Festival was being held in Salt Lake City today, Utah, the US where I had been living for three and a half years from 2000. The Bon Odori festival that is held every year in my hometown is about to begin!. Today I am thinking of my ancestors, those who sacrificed their lives for their country, my Master Setamatsu Sensei, Grandmaster Otsuka Sensei, my father, and I dedicate this video to you, my dear friend who shares such wonderful memories with me.
Suddenly the children asked me, “What does Chichinpuipui mean?” It was more than 40 years ago, but when I was a child and I injured myself, I remember my mother calming me down by saying, “chichinpuipui, go away, pain (chichinpuipui, itaiko itaino tondeike).” One theory about the origin of this phrase is that it means “knowledge, benevolence, and bravery, the treasures of the era (chijin buyu, goyo no ontakara).” No doubt grandmaster, schoolteachers, and parents raised their children with the hope and hope of saying, “You are a treasure of this world. Cultivate wisdom, compassion, martial arts skills, and courage, and live a strong life.” I will never forget that feeling, never lose Budo spirit, and continue to work hard every day.
今日のクラスでは運動を始める前に『横隔膜』と『腹圧』について話すことにしました。 In today’s class, before we start exercising, I decided to talk about the diaphragm'' andabdominal pressure”
一つひとつの動きに意味を持たせ効果を上げたいという目標を立てました。 I set a goal to give meaning to each movement and increase its effectiveness
腹圧を高め姿勢とバランスを改善する Improves posture and balance by increasing intra-abdominal pressure
腹圧を高め体幹を強化する Strengthens the core by increasing abdominal pressure
腹圧を高め瞬発力を向上する Improving explosive power by increasing intra-abdominal pressure
和道流空手道連盟90周年記念・第9回国際大会・第60回全国大会まで一ヵ月ほどとなりましたが、 It’s about a month until the Wado-ryu Karate-do Renmei’s 90th anniversary, 9th international tournament, and 60th national tournament.
形と組手のみの稽古はせず、基本はもちろん、居取り・短刀取り・女子護身術・太刀取り・基本組手も稽古しています。 We do not only practice KATA and KUMITE, we also practice Idori, Knife Defense, Women’s self-defense, Sword Defense, and Basic Kumite.
Shitotsu and Tsuki, Women’s Self-Defense and Wanshu. The goal of the practice was for everyone to recognize that they are all connected. On Thursdays, we use a large gymnasium. The Kendo team practices next to us. We inspire each other every week.
When we watch a demonstration or a video of the movement, it only takes about a minute, but during that time there is a hidden techniques in how to control the arms and legs without relying on muscles. While doing it repeatedly in pairs, I feel the moment when partner and I connect or it is interrupted in the middle. so we can find a way to exchange words with each other and exert the power inside the body. Harmony is born when people interact with each other with respect and curiosity. I love Wado-ryu, which seeks the “Way of peace and harmony.”