基本組手裏12本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 12honme

今日は朝のクラスの後、和道流空手道連盟総本部道場で月例稽古が行われました。三代宗家 大塚博紀 最高師範から、貫き手、突き、上段受け、順突き、これらの基本技の応用、バッサイの第1~9挙動を習いました。

Today, after the morning class, the monthly practice was held at the headquarters dojo of Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei. We learned Nukite, Tsuki, Joudan Uke, Junzuki, the application of these basic techniques, and Bassai movements 1-9 from Grand Master Ⅲ Hironori Otsuka Sensei.
In the morning class, I started with basic abdominal pressure and sacral exercises to explore movements connected to Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, then moved on to basic techniques such as Gyakuzuki, Neri of the waist, and stepwork. Using these basics, I performed Sword Defense, Kihon Kumite Ura 12 honme, and Kihon Kumite 3 bonme, and finally Free Sparring.
I usually practice while being conscious of how the basics connect to something, but today was a very fruitful day for me, where I felt the importance of the basics more than ever before.

基本組手裏6本目と繋がりのある動きを探求する稽古 Practice to explore movements related to Kihon Kumite Ura 6pponme

BAB Japan will release a DVD about Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Renmei 90th Anniversary, 9th International & 60th National Tournament held in Tokyo Japan in August !
It is available for pre-order on Web HIDDEN and amazon ♪

8月に東京で開催された和道流空手道連盟 創流90周年記念 第9回国際大会&第60回全国大会のDVDがBAB Japanにより発売されます。
Web HIDDENとamazonで予約受付中です。


月刊 秘伝 Web HIDDEN